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    Rafting History

    Many people mention rafting  is found in America, and many mention rafting is found in Europe. In spite of it all, the whitewater rafting arose from necessity, the need at first to save itself or to attack others, such as during World War II. At that time the American army designed a type of boat that looks like a basket to be used as a means of war. This boat is called a basketball boat.
    In Indonesia, rafting has actually existed since time immemorial. Just look at traditional communities living on the banks of big rivers. Residents have long used the raft as a means of transport to cross the river or to wade the river. Wading here is certainly meant to explore the river from the upstream in the mountains or inland to the downstream or estuary where the greater concentration of activities is concentrated.
    Today human wants and pleasures are increasing and complex, especially in exploiting nature. Activities in the form of a conventional transport activities and then developed into tourism activities to serve the desire and human pleasure to adventure or to get closer to nature. Means of gloved rafting was increased, from a raft of bamboo series into a rubber boat (raft) which uses sophisticated tools and facilities.
    Since popularization in the United States in the early 1970s into activities and lifestyles, whether as a vehicle for natural or recreational research, white water rafting and endemic to the world. In Indonesia alone this sport entered since the idea of ​​river rally on the Citarum River triggered, with a landing boat landed the rest of the Vietnam War. From here rafting activities then penetrated into other rivers in the archipelago.
    Among that in America stands AWA (American White Water Afiliation) which focuses its activities on the development of safety standards and rules of operation of this sport. In Indonesia today rafting activities are developing in "guessing" the security of certainty and purpose. This activity was given
    sebutan “olahraga arus deras”,“petualangan sungai”,”wisata perahu karet”, ”susur sungai” dan lain sebagainya. Operator komersial yang bercabang ke seluruh dunia juga berperan dalam perkembangan arung jeram. Kini semua istilah dan tujuan tidak lagi mempunyai perbedaan yang berarti, khususnya setelah era Kejuaraan Nasional Arung Jeram dimulai, pada akhir tahun 1994.
    Sejak itu informasi mengenai standar keamanan dan kenyamanan disebarluaskan dalam masyarakat.
    Sejak awal tahun 1990-an kegiatan arung jeram di Indonesia kembali marak dengan terbakukannya river boat yang dibuat secara profesional untuk kegiatan ini, sejalan dengan mulai masuknya kegiatan komersial sebagai wisata alam. Pembakuan  yang dibuat AWA dan pelaksanaan operasi operator komersial kiranya telah menjadi standar kegiatan ini di seluruh dunia. Imbas positif bagi petualang, pehobi ataupun bagi kegiatan komersial adalah standar  dan sarana memadai yang menjadikan kegiatan ini dapat berlangsung secara aman, nyaman dan memuaskan, menjadi kenyataan.

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